Ebchester PTA
Ebchester CE Primary School PTA has been running since February 2020 and in that time we have held many fundraising events to enable us to support our school. These include a virtual Duck Race (during Covid) Halloween Discos, Christmas Fairs, Easter Egg Hunts and Summer Fairs.
During this time we have raised £4282.27 and have been able to provide new reading books for the whole school, resources for Rec/Yr1 classroom and pay for the buses for the whole school to go ice skating.
We are a small group of parents and grandparents who meet about once a half term to plan fundraising and fun events for the school. We are always on the lookout for more volunteers, however, if you don’t feel you can commit all year, but would like to help out at a specific event please let us know.
Caroline Walker (Benjamin & Xander’s Mam) is the Chairperson if anyone would like anymore info.
We are currently planning a Coffee Morning on Monday 16th October- 9am in the School Hall- our Halloween Disco and Christmas Design Merchandise.