Sporting Experiences
Y3/4 Yoga – Autumn 1/2
After such a difficult eighteen months, we decided to focus on pupils transitioning from KS1 and KS2 and over them a term of mindfulness and yoga sessions with Emma from Kalma Life, Durham. These sessions offer opportunities to empower and inspire confidence in our children. Yoga for children is becoming more popular as much as an everyday hobby – a way to help children become more comfortable and confident in their own bodies. As a result of a child who learns yoga, relaxation and mindfulness they develop essential skills for a lifetime of health of well-being. As you can see for then photos, our pupils were able to master the yoga moves that were introduced to them. If you are interested in finding our more about yoga or would like to book some additional sessions for your child, please see the contact details below:
Kalma Life North Durham and Gateshead West – contact Emma at emma@gatesheadwest.kalmalifeuk.co.uk
Climbing Wall – Autumn 1
All of the pupils have had the opportunity to face the climbing wall this half term. Facing this challenging and resilience-building activity, the pupils amazed us with their confidence, agility and determination. It really didn’t matter how far up the wall each of the pupils got, what was great was that every child face their fears and gave it a go- well done!
Further information about opportunities to climb can be found at:
Durham Climbing Centre – Durham Climbing Centre – Indoor Bouldering Wall Durham
Clip n Climb – Clip n Climb – Clip n Climb Stockton
Newcastle Climbing Centre – Home – Newcastle Climbing Centre
Autumn 1 Skipping School
Photographs to follow.
Autumn 2 Ice Skating
Photographs to follow.
Spring 1 Wheelchair Basketball