Collective Worship
Collective worship and assembly are not the same, although worship may be part of an assembly.
Collective worship is defined as worship appropriate to a group of individuals possessing a range of beliefs, believers and non-believers. Collective worship at Ebchester C.E. Primary School takes place daily. Styles may vary from day to day though it is intended that the various forms will together promote the spiritual and moral development of pupils.
The aims of Collective Worship at Ebchester School include:
Enable pupils to consider spiritual and moral issues, as well as explore their own beliefs.
Encourage participation and response via active involvement or through listening and participating in the worship offered.
Provide pupils with the opportunity to plan, lead or contribute to discussions on key themes and topics, e.g. morality. Provide a peaceful environment to enable stillness, prayer and reflection.
Help pupils to develop an awareness of their community and the spirit of helping others.
Develop a spirit of community and an understanding of individuals with other beliefs.
Acknowledge diversity and affirm each individual’s life stance, whether religious or not.
Promote a common ethos and shared values.
Each week, Collective Worship focuses on a Christian value and linked Bible story. Acts of worship link through this story and class worship allows time more reflection for children in a smaller group. Picture news worship is linked to a topical theme in the news each week and contributes to the children’s wider understanding of the world, global issues, courageous advocacy and mental well-being. In our final worship of the week, Pupils take a ‘Journey through the Bible’ where they explore Bible stories in sequence and have an opportunity to discuss the lessons we can learn from the stories and how we can relate them to our day to day lives.
Monday – Whole School Worship – led by Mrs Clasper
Tuesday – Class Worship focusing on the Christian value and Bible story of the week
Wednesday – Prayer Space/ Class Led Worship/ Community Worship
Thursday – Picture News Worship
Friday – Our Bible Journey – Class worship taking pupils on a journey through the Bible
Our School Lunchtime Prayer
Dear Lord, Let us be thankful for the wonderful food we are about to eat. Let it give us strength so we can do your work. Amen
End of the Day Prayer
Lord, keep us safe this night,
Secure from all our fears;
May angels guard us while we sleep,
Till morning light appears. Amen
Further details about Collective Worship at Ebchester CE Primary School can be found in the Collective Worship Policy.