Our first prayer space of the year focused on our Christian value of compassion.
Pupils were asked to help make our very own Ebchester Compassion Tree. The task was to reflect on the Bible story of Ruth and Naomi and cut out a leaf and record a way they could show compassion.
We were pleased to welcome Father John into school to talk about courage. As this is our core value for this half term, we were interested to hear about what Father John felt real courage was – walking miles to school without anything to wear on your feet. It was interesting to hear the stories about the time he spent in Africa and how the journey to school in Tanzania differs from the pupils’ journey to Ebchester CE Primary School.
Year 5 and 6 led worship at the end of the half term. Linked to the topic of courage, the pupils retold the story of David and Goliath. They then linked the story to reflecting on how we all can deal with our worries. It was lovely to welcome parents and grandparents into school to watch the worship, share our prayer space and enjoy a cup of tea and biscuits.