Our aim at Ebchester CE Primary School is to provide children with a high quality geography education which will inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Our world is ever-changing and geographical enquiry needs to reflect the dynamic nature of people and places, with exploration being based on ‘the real’ and relevant, wherever possible. Children will have access to a wide range of resources and enrichment experiences to aid them in their discovery. Geography lessons will help pupils learn about how people influence and interact with the physical and human environment, and the formation and the use of landscapes and environments. Our vision is that pupils leave Ebchester CE Primary School with contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places, defining their physical and human characteristics. Through fieldwork, pupils will be able to collect and analyse a range of data along with interpreting a range of sources of geographical information. With an increased understanding of facts and vocabulary, as well as the skills to explore their world, it is expected that our pupils will become responsible, resilient and valued citizens in our society.